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We support housing for:
Domestic abuse victims, mothers with babies (up to 3YO)
and vulnerable adults.

Who we support


Non Violentiam CIC is a not for profit company limited by guarantee. It is regulated and registered with the Regulator of Community Interest Companies. The company was founded by Mr Peter Lawton, from Birmingham. His vision is to support the community and improve the availability of accommodation and support which is safe, secure and promotes independent living for vulnerable adults and individuals experiencing domestic violence.


Examples of our accommodations

 our accommodations
 our accommodations in birmingham
 our accommodations for women
 our accommodations Women with babies and/or children who are vulnerable.
Women with babies and/or children who are vulnerable.
Women with babies and/or children who are vulnerable.


Happy Family


  • To provide approved supported accommodation for vulnerable adults from all walks of life in an inclusive and safe manner

  • To improve the lives of vulnerable adults by supporting them to live in the community and helping to rebuild their confidence and life skills

  • To provide a safe, secure and dignified environment and living space

  • To understand the needs and views of residents and other stakeholders

  • To deliver excellence across all our activities and services

  • To be trusted by our stakeholders by being open and accountable

  • To grow the company and be able to make distributions for the benefit of the community

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